Part of my morning routine USED TO BE <click email icon>, <click all mailboxes>, <click edit>, <select anything and everything that is in my inbox in search of IMPORTANT emails>, <click trash>. All the while rolling my eyes, doing that guttural sigh of annoyance, then the moment passes, and it is over. TILL TOMORROW! (what a way to start the day! what was I thinking??)
Today I was on the real computer, not my phone. Today I decided to put a stop to the morning insanity and UNSUBSCRIBED to a TON of meaningless email ads, subscriptions, deals, and sites that flood my inbox on a daily basis. It took a while, but as I was doing it, I got to thinking:
I am decluttering aka unsubscribing in efforts to clean up my inbox so that I see what is important. To see my Bible Study Fellowship emails, to see emails from my family, friends, my son’s preschool, from our church. I long to be exposed to only things that really MATTER when I look at my inbox. Which got me to thinking:
What else in my life (not just my inbox) do I need to “unsubscribe” from? What else is clouding my life (not just my email) from what is MOST important? What in my life ISN’T God honoring?
I long to be exposed to only things that really MATTER when I look at my at my life (not just my inbox)
What do YOU need to “unsubscribe” from?
Dear God, thank you for bringing to my attention the need to “unsubscribe” from all things clouding my vision of YOU! Please help my friends, and family and BRex fans to have awakened within them what it is you long for them to “unsubscribe” from should that be your will. AMEN! (or as Judah would say “Ahh MEAN!”