Month One: Bakeosaurus Rex


It has been a completely amazing experience working out of the shared kitchen.  I have learned SO MUCH, and my cookies SOLD OUT my first week!!!

Let’s back it up, it hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows…

This has been a period of relearning.

I fought (through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit!) feelings of defeat and frustration as I relearned EVERYTHING.

(Let me also say, My husband has been very supportive, my mother-in-law has been very generous with her time, watching the boys, and the owner has been SO HELPFUL! She and the other business owners through the kitchen are great!)

I am relearning everything, from baking times and temps to my routine of chill-roll-cut-bake, which has now become chill-room temperaturize-roll-chill-cut-bake.

Cutouts and Dino Grahams relearned, I shall tackle my other treats some other time.

I also learned exactly HOW LONG everything takes.

Like how long it takes for Royal Icing to dry.  At home I would just come back to my project in the morning. It takes HOURS, lots of hours to dry.

Decorating also takes hours.

The whole process takes days! Hahah! Which I guess I never paid much attention to before.  One day to make and chill the dough.  One day to bake the cookies.  One (sometimes two) day(s) to decorate.  (Half a day to dry) One day to package.  It truly is a labor of love and boy do I LOVE IT!

Thank you to everyone who has visited United Kitchen, and those who have supported my business through prayer, purchases, and pre-orders!


Bakeosaurus Rex

Photo Credit: Bridget Conlan

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