

There is no such thing as a SupersaurusRex


I have been receiving a lot of comments lately like. “Wow! I don’t know how you do it all!, blogging, baking, two small children, caring for your husband on top of everything else!” “Wow! You are super mom you can do it all!” “Wife of the year! I could never do what you do” though these comments are meant to be compliments, let me tell you what I tell them:

There is no such thing as a SupersaurusRex. Okay so that is not exactly what I say but it is the truth.

Blogging-while my husband napped in the hospital, I implemented a trick I learned from the ever so talented and fellow blogger Nicole Nelson (she is amazing. Check her out) The advice was to write when you can and schedule the publish dates/times of your posts. She then recommended having the posts automatically post to Facebook. I took that advice. Thus, blogging done for a few weeks. Thanks, Nicole.

Two small children– I happen to have in-laws that are fabulously amazing. My mother-in-law is retired. My father-in-law works nights. My sister-in-law lives with them. With their powers combined (little Captain Planet reference anyone?) and their gracious, willing hearts and their overwhelming love (I could go on and on) they have been caring for our children since the night before we went in for hip replacement surgery.  They just got home today (they are currently napping.)  Elijah and I had T-Ball this morning.


(By the way. When your oldest son cries when he sees you because he thinks that means his sleepover party is over and he has to go home. Don’t be offended. Be blessed, your children are not crying because they need you/miss you and you cannot be there for them. Be happy! You’re raising confident, comfortable children who have amazing people in their lives that love them just as much as you do (in a different way of course). Be excited they want to stay with grandma. It takes a village, right?? It’s okay to be relieved as well.)

Baking (okay more specifically decorating) – this has become my stress reliever. If I don’t have any projects going on. I make one up, haha like let’s say, a few Blackhawks contests. Since lifting is out of the question as RoboHubs aka my Fall Risk cannot be left unattended baking/decorating it is. (When he is napping of course). So kids at grandmas + napping RoboHubs = baking/decorating stress relieving mama.

My Current Project! I cannot wait to show you the finished product!

Taking care of your husband– in sickness and in health, right? Unconditional love. Just think about how HUMBLING having to be taken care of is. Wouldn’t change anything for the world.

“Everything else” – hahaha I am not doing everything else. In fact I’m not doing anything else, and you know what? That is ok.

The mountain of clean laundry that is cascading off my folding table will eventually get (tossed into the drier with a damp towel to release some of them wrinkles then,) folded and put away.

Don’t judge! Come help!

The Christmas lights (don’t judge!) will eventually get taken down.

You gotta ladder and can get off of the roof onto the later without having to prep yourself for 38 minutes? Come on over!

The clippings from the bushes you trimmed out front will eventually get swept. (UPDATE! My in-laws took care of this while I was at t-ball! YAY!)

It’s okay to ask your family friend over to hang with RoboHubs aka FallRisk while you run to the grocery store (what do you mean a solid diet of fruit snacks and lucky charms is not conducive to healing?)


It’s okay to cry out on social media requesting paper towel because you’ve already arranged for someone to sit with your fall risk to shop that day and the paper towel you thought you had was actually toilet paper (also very necessary).

Allow your neighbor to cut your grass.

Don’t be embarrassed when you see your mother-in-law taking out your garbage or changing your kitty litter.

Allow your friends to cook for you. Allow them to bring you coffee. It is not only you who is being blessed in these situations.


So all that being said, let me tell you what I’ve learned. To be a SupersaurusRex you must accept help from your family and friends. Let yourself be blessed by others. You CANNOT do it all.

Do not be afraid to ask for help. People don’t know what you want/need. Just ask. It doesn’t show a weakness in you. It shows a great strength.

Most importantly. Turn your face up and give the glory and thanksgiving for all of the wonderful people doing amazing things for you and your family back to He who orchestrated it all.

Humble yourself. There is no SupersaurusRex.


2 thoughts on “SupersaurusRex?

  1. You are wonderful in every single way. Your heart is so full and generous. You have no idea how much you are blessing me and Phoebe especially, but all of the Nelsons. Thank you so much for sharing this. I think you are super!

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